Graphene International Conference, in Brussels (Belgium), from the 10th to 13th of April 2012

НИТУ «МИСиС» является соорганизатором мероприятия «Графен 2012», которое состоится в Брюсселе с 10 по 13 апреля 2012 года.

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(Graphene 2012 Extended abstract format: 2 pages max including figures and references.
Font: Arial 10, use line spacing single. Please follow the model below.)
Full Title
Presenting Author, Co-Authors
Organization, Address, City, Country
The PHANTOMS Foundation based in Madrid, Spain focuses its activities on Nanotechnology and Emerging Nanoelectronics and is now a key actor in structuring and fostering European Excellence and enhancing collaborations in these fields. The Phantoms Foundation, a non-profit foundation, has been giving high level management profile to National and European scientific projects such as nanoICT, NAPA, Pico-Inside and NanoSpain. The Foundation is also working in close collaboration with Spanish and European Governmental Institutions such as FECyT (Spanish Foundation for Science & Technology), ICEX (Spanish Institute for Foreign Trade) or the European Commission to provide focused reports on Nanotechnology related research areas (infrastructure needs, emerging research, etc.).

This non-profit Foundation is also playing an important role as a dissemination platform in national and 6th/7th framework programs European funded projects to spread excellence among a wider audience and help in forming new networks.
Phantoms Foundation has been an important player organizing events with a huge impact in the Nano Community such as TNT — Trends in Nanotechnology and the NanoSpain Conference. As the coordinator of the Nanotechnology Plan of ICEX, the Foundation organizes and represents the Spanish Pavilion at Nanotech Japan and Nanotech USA.
ImagineNano is a step further, is the consolidation of years of work, an event that Phantoms Foundation has been thinking for years totally dedicated to Nanoscience & Nanotechnology.
ImagineNano plans to be a reference in Europe in the next upcoming years and the expertise, know-how in nanotechnology enables Phantoms Foundation to create such an event. Don´t miss out this opportunity and be part of our success.

[1] Authors, Journal, Issue (Year) page.
Figure caption