Methods of fabrication and modeling of CMUTs — A review. Biriukov, A.E., Korsunsky, A.M. Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, 2024, 379, 115914
Structure and mechanical properties of hot-extruded Mg—Y—Zn—Mn biodegradable alloys. Bazhenov, V.E., Li, A.V., Rogachev, S.O., ... Korsunsky, A.M., Shin, K.S. Materials Today Communications, 2024, 40, 110166
Hierarchically Porous Carbon Cloth—Polyaniline (CC—PANI) Composite Supercapacitor Electrodes with Enhanced Stability. Stakhanova, S.V., Krechetov, I.S., Shafigullina, K.E., ... Novikova, E.A., Korsunsky, A.M. Crystals, 2024, 14(5), 457
High strength and ductility in a new Mg—Zn—Ga biocompatible alloy by drawing and rotary forging. Rogachev, S.O., Bazhenov, V.E., Komissarov, A.A., ... Korsunsky, A.M., Drobyshev, A.Y. Results in Materials, 2024, 21, 100524
Ion-Beam Sputtering of NiOx Hole Transporting Layers for p-i-n Halide Perovskite Solar Cells. Gostishchev, P., Luchnikov, L.O., Bronnikov, O., ... Saranin, D.S., Di Carlo, A. ACS Applied Energy Materials, 2024, 7(3), pp.
Tomographic eigenstrain reconstruction for full-field residual stress analysis in large scale additive manufacturing parts. Uzun, F., Basoalto, H., Liogas, K., ... Dolbnya, I.P., Korsunsky, A.M. Additive Manufacturing, 2024, 81, 104027
- Enhancement of hydrogen storage properties from amorphous Mg85Ni5Y10 alloy , Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids
(0022-3093), (Q1) - Critical influence of phase transition on the hydrogen evolution reaction activity of Heusler alloys Intermetallics
(1879-0216) ( Q1) - Production of multi-principal-component alloys by pendent-drop melt extraction, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy
(0360-3199) (Q1) - Tailoring microstructures and mechanical properties of lightweight refractory Ti22Sc22Zr22Nb17V17 multi-phase high-entropy alloys by hot extrusion and annealing Materials Characterization (ISSN:
1873-4189) (Q1) - High-throughput screening of superior hydrogen evolution reaction catalysts in Pd-Ni-Fe alloys Journal of Alloys and Compounds
(0925-8388) (Q1) - Designing a Universal Undulator Beamline for Materials Science: A Conceptual Approach. Dolbnya, I.P., Bataev, I.A., Rakshun, Y.V., ... Mezentsev, N.A., Korsunsky, A.M. Journal of Surface Investigation, 2023, 17(Suppl 1), pp. S78—S89
- Hair-Reinforced Elastomer Matrix Composites: Formulation, Mechanical Testing, and Advanced Microstructural Characterization. Statnik, E.S., Cvjetinovic, J., Ignatyev, S.D., ... Salimon, A.I., Korsunsky, A.M. Polymers, 2023, 15(22), 4448
- Thermochemical Analysis of Hydrogenation of Pd-Containing Composite Based on TiZrVNbTa High-Entropy Alloy. Savvotin, I., Berdonosova, E., Korol, A., ... Serov, M., Klyamkin, S. Applied Sciences (Switzerland), 2023, 13(16), 9052
- Hydrogel-Inducing Graphene-Oxide-Derived Core—Shell Fiber Composite for Antibacterial Wound Dressing. Kan, Y., Bondareva, J.V., Statnik, E.S., ... Senatov, F.S., Korsunsky, A.M. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2023, 24(7), 6255
- An In Vivo Rat Study of Bioresorbable Mg-2Zn-2Ga Alloy Implants. Drobyshev, A., Gurganchova, Z., Redko, N., ... Ushmarov, D., Yanushevich, O. Bioengineering, 2023, 10(2), 273
- Autologous bone implant for reconstructive surgery after decompressive craniectomy in children. Semenova, Z., Salimon, A.I., Korsunsky, A.M., ... Statnik, E.S., Lukyanov, V.I. Zhurnal Voprosy Nejrokhirurgii Imeni N.N. Burdenko, 2023, 87(4), pp.
58–65 - On the Mathematical Description of Diatom Algae: From Siliceous Exoskeleton Structure and Properties to Colony Growth Kinetics, and Prospective Nanoengineering Applications. Salimon, A.I., Cvjetinovic, J., Kan, Y., ... Dragnevski, K., Korsunsky, A.M. in: The Mathematical Biology of Diatoms, Scrivener, 2023, pp.
63–102 - Concentration Dependence of Optical Transmission and Extinction of Different Diatom Cultures. Cvjetinovic, J., Perkov, S.A., Kurochkin, M.A., ... Korsunsky, A.M., Gorin, D.A. Journal of Biomedical Photonics and Engineering, 2023, 9(1), 010303
- A concept of “materials” diffraction and imaging beamline for SKIF: Siberian circular photon source. Chernov, V.A., Bataev, I.A., Rakshun, Y.V., ... Korsunsky, A.M., Dolbnya, I.P. Review of Scientific Instruments, 2023, 94(1), 013305
- Transformation of amorphous passive oxide film on Zr65Cu17.5Ni10Al7.5 metallic glass ribbons , Journal of Alloys and Compounds
(0925-8388), (Q1) - Enhanced Oxygen Evolution Reaction of Zr-Cu-Ni-Al Metallic Glass with an Oxide Layer in Alkaline Media, ACS Catalysis
(2155-5435), (Q1) - Influence of a Hydride-Forming Multi-Component Alloy on the Carbonization Behavior of Vulcanized Elastomer Composites, Metals
(2075-4701), (Q1) - Accelerating matrix/boundary precipitations to explore high-strength and high-ductile Co34Cr32Ni27Al3.5Ti3.5 multicomponent alloys through hot extrusion and annealing, Journal of Materials Science and Technology
(1005-0302) (Q1) - Investigation of Thermal Properties of Zr-Based Metallic Glass—Polymer Composite with the Addition of Silane, Polymers
(2073-4360), (Q1) - Analysis of Stress Relaxation in Bulk and Porous Ultra-High Molecular Weight Polyethylene (UHMWPE). Statnik, E.S., Salimon, A.I., Gorshkova, Y.E., ... Markova, L.V., Korsunsky, A.M. Polymers, 2022, 14(24), 5374
- Comparative study of biomaterial surface modification due to subcritical CO2 and autoclave disinfection treatments. Salimon, A.I., Statnik, E.S., Kan, Y., ... Galstyan, M.S., Korsunsky, A.M. Journal of Supercritical Fluids, 2022, 191, 105789
- Tunable broadband absorption in continuous and porous textured Si/C bilayers: A comparative study. Aggrey, P., Salimon, I.A., Salimon, A.I., ... Zherebtsov, D., Korsunsky, A.M. Optical Materials, 2022, 133, 113048
- Fracture Toughness of Moldable Low-Temperature Carbonized Elastomer-Based Composites Filled with Shungite and Short Carbon Fibers. Ignatyev, S.D., Statnik, E.S., Ozherelkov, D.Yu., ... Stepashkin, A.A., Korsunsky, A.M. Polymers, 2022, 14(9), 1793
- Effect of Graphene Oxide and Nanosilica Modifications on Electrospun Core-Shell PVA—PEG—SiO2@PVA—GO Fiber Mats. Kan, Y., Bondareva, J.V., Statnik, E.S., ... Salimon, A.I., Korsunsky, A.M. Nanomaterials, 2022, 12(6), 998
- Грант РНФ
2022-2024 “Разработка высокопрочных и высокомодульных композиционных материалов на основе сверхвысокомолекулярного полиэтилена с повышенной износостойкостью”. - Договор с АО “Гиредмет”
2022-2023 “Разработка технологии рециклинга отвального сферического титанового порошка, полученного методом газовой атомизации”.
The 13th International Conference on key engineering materials (ICKEM 2023) “Influence of plate thickness on the results of residual stresses determination by through hole drilling in orthotropic composites of different fiber orientation” Статник Е.С., Салимон А.И., Корсунский А.М.